International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices - 2024


Abstract Submission Lists

The major objective of this Article is to provide a simple and convenient method of charging and payment for those who utilize electric vehicles. We are identifying the electrical vehicle and its payment in accordance with the requirements using an open source programme (ADAFRUIT io).With the help of such technology, we may refuel our cars for free at another charging station if we leave the first one unattended until the time of our choosing. After the car is fully charged, the IR sensor recognizes it. If the vehicle moves in midway, the sensor scans its RFID and updates the programmer. From there, we may charge the vehicle at any other charging station with the same infrastructure.
Abstract ID: 1258
Submitted: February 16, 2024
Event: International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices (AFMD-2024)
Topic: Symposia E: Energy Harnessing for Sustainable Future
Presenter: SATHIYA R
Status: Accepted