International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices - 2024
- February 26 – February 29, 2024
- Plenary/Keynote/Invited Speakers
- Cluster/Symposium

Prof. Abdelhamid Errachid

Dr. Ajay Agarwal

Dr. Ajay Singh

Prof. Atsushi Nakamura

Prof. Andris Sutka

Dr. Assayidatul Laila Binti Nor Hairin

Prof. Arvindkumar Chandran

Prof. Aziz Amine

Prof. Arindam Ghosh

Prof. A. M. Kannan

Dr. S. Anandan

Dr. Arief Udhiarto

Prof. Anandan Srinivasan

Dr. Aman Mahajan

Prof. M. Arivanandhan

Prof. Benoit PIRO

Prof. Bhagwati Prasad

Dr. Brahmananda Chakraborty

Prof. Bipul Paul

Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

Dr. Bruce (Jun-Yu) Ou

Prof. B.S. Murthy

Prof. S. Balakumar

Prof. Clark Kendrick C

Prof. Chien-Hsiang Chang

Prof. Changseok Han

Prof. Christopher E Shuck

Prof. Chandan Kumar

Dr. Chi-cheng Chiu,

Prof. Chao-Wei Huang

Dr. Ir. Catur Apriono

Dr. Dhilip Kumar

Dr. D.K. Aswal

Prof. Dumitru Luca

Dr. D.Durgalakshmi

Prof. Dimitrios Bikiaris

Prof. Dorota G. Pijanowska

Dr. Darius Gailevičius,

Prof. Daniel Moraru

Dr. Easwaramoorthi Ramasamy

Prof. Elisabetta Ranucci

Prof. Eric Drokenmuller

Prof. Erwin Reisner

Prof. Guillaume Maurin

Prof. Giridhar U. Kulkarni

Prof. Dr. Govind Gupta

Prof. N.Gopalakrishnan

Dr. S. Ganesamoorthy

Prof. Hiroki Kondo

Prof. Hiroya Ikeda

Hiromu Hamasaki

Prof. Hiroshi Masumoto

Prof. Hiroaki Satoh

Prof. Hana Uršič Nemevšek

Dr.Huseyin Cagatay Yalcin

Dr. Hiroki Kase

Prof. Hyung Chul Ham

Dr. Ionuț Topala

Dr. Iwona Porkorska-Służalec

Prof. Jean-François Lutz

Prof.Jerzy Duszynski

Prof.Jun Kondo

Prof. Judy Lee

Dr. J. Judith Vijaya

Prof. Kada Boukerma

Dr. Krishna Chandar,

Prof. Kanishka Biswas

Prof. Dr. Kaharudin Bin Dimyati

Prof. Katarzyna Krukiewicz

Prof. Kazuhiko Hara

Prof. Kenji Murakami

Prof. Kazushi Ikeda

Prof. R. Kothandaraman

Prof.Kim Daasbjerg

Prof. Kunio Hayakawa

Dr. V. Kameswara Rao

Dr. P. Koteswara Rao

Mr. Katsuhiko Nobeta

Dr. Kamaraju Natarajan

Prof. V. Kanchana

Prof. Lei Ye

Prof. Ludwik Leibler

Dr. Matthias Opel

Maizatul Azrina Yaakob

Dr. Matthieu Piel

Prof. Mei-Jywan Syu

Dr. K. Mohan Kant

Dr. M. Manivel Raja

Prof. Majdi Hochlaf

Prof. Madhu Bhaskaran

Prof. Mohd Faiz Bin Mohd Salleh

Prof. Mohd Khairul

Prof. Masanori Koshimizu

Prof. Madya Dr. Marlia Binti Morsin

Prof. Michael Giersig

Prof. Muhammet S Toprak

Prof. Muthupandian Ashokkumar

Dr. Mrinmoy De

Prof. Masakazu Anpo

Dr. Manjusha Battabyal

Dr. Nurul Asyikeen Binti Ab Mutalib

Prof. Mohammad Abul Hasnat

Dr. Maneesh Chandran

Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Md Arshad

Prof. Naoki Wakiya

Dr. T. N. Narayanan

Dr. Nasrul Anuar Bin Abd Razak

Prof. Neha Gandhi

Prof. Nafarizal bin Nayan

Prof. Naonori Sakamoto

Prof. Najla Fourati

Dr. Noor Kamalia Binti Abd Hamed

Prof Nji Raden Poespawati

Prof. Nobuyasu Adachi

Prof. Olfa Kanoun

Prof. Osamu Nakatsuka

Oleksly Lyutakov

Er. Puan Faezahana Binti Mohkhter

Olga Guselnikova

Prof. Piotr Zuchowski

Dr. Pramod Bhatt

Dr. Pavels Onufrijevs

Dr. Palani Ananth

Dr. Paul Joseph Daniel

Prof. Pratima Agarwal

Dr. Prathap Pathi

Prof.Prasit Pattananuwat

Prof. Ravichandar Babarao

Prof. Prashant V. Kamat

Prof. Ryo Teranishi

Prof. C Retna Raj

Prof. M. S. Ramachandra Rao

Dr. Riyaz Ahmad Bin Mohamed Ali

Prof. P. Rajamalli

Dr. Ranu Bhatt

Dr. Ranita Basu

Prof. Ramesh Chandra Mallik

Prof. Dr. Ir. Retno Wigajatri Purnamaningsih, MT

Dr. Rohini Kitture

Dr. R. Ramesh

Dr. Rabindra Nath Mahato

Prof.Sagar Mitra

Prof. S. Sindhu

Prof. Shikha Varma

Prof. Sudakar Chandran

Dr. Sivaiah Batula

Prof. Sangaraju Shanmugam

Prof. P.N. Santhosh

Prof. Shahzada Ahmad

Prof. A. J. Saleh Ahammed,

Dr. Sovit Bhattacharya

Prof. Satishchandra Ogale

Ts. Dr. Suhana Binti Mohamed Sultan

Prof. Sujit Das

Dr. Saravanan

Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna

Dr. Shoji Kaneko

Prof.S. Sampath

Prof. Soorathep kheawhom

Prof.Sebastian Lourdudoss

Prof. Sulaiman Wadi Harun

Prof. Sakura Takeda

Prof. Suvankar Chakraverty

Prof. Shintaro Yasui

Prof. Ch. Subramanyam

Prof. Suman De Sarkar

Prof. Sergejs Gaidukovs

Prof. Shu Yin

Prof. T. Serkan Kasirga

Prof. Srinivasan Anand

Dr. Shamima Hussain

Prof. Dr. Subash C B Gopinath

Prof. V. Subramanian

Dr. M Sathish,

Dr. T. S. Shyju

Prof. Taketomo Sato

Dr. Shailesh Narain Sharma

Dr. Suttipong Wannapaiboon

Prof. TATA Narasinga Rao

Prof. Tomoaki Yamada

Prof.Te-Wei Chiu

Prof. Tomoaki Watanabe

Prof. Tadeusz Burczyński

Prof. Tomoya Ohno

Prof. Toru Aoki

Prof. Takafumi Ishibe

Dr. Tomy Abuzairi

Mr. Takehiko Ikenaga

Dr. V.K Aswal

Prof. Virgil Andrei

Prof. Vivek Polshettiwar

Dr. Tharamani C.N.

Prof. Venimadhav Adyam

Prof. Vaclav Svorcik

Dr. Vibha Saxena

Dr. P. Viraj Vishwakantha Jayaweera,

Prof. Venkata Krishnan

Prof. Vygantas Mizeikis

Dr. Vanchiappan Aravindan,

Dr. Vikum Premalal

Dr. Mutta Vasundra

Prof Wang Xin

Prof. Wonyong Choi

Prof. Yasuhiro Hayakawa

Prof. Yuichi Sakumura

Prof. Yuta Kubota

Prof. Yun Hee Jang

Prof. Yoshiaki Nakamura

Prof. Yves Lansac

Prof. Yueh-Heng Li
Scientific Sessions
Conference Topics
Atomically thin 2D Materials: Graphene and Beyond, Topological Insulators, Materials for Quantum Technology, Wideband Gap Materials, Electronic Devices, High frequency devices, Light emitting diodes, Semiconductor Thin Films and Nanowires, Photodetectors, Plasmonics, OLEDs and Light Display Systems
Nanoscale Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells, Batteries: Lithium-ion Battery, Sodium-ion Battery, Lithium-Sulfur Battery, Aluminum-ion Battery, Metal-Air battery, Redox Flow Battery. Supercapacitors, Electrolyzers, Electrochemical conversion of Carbon dioxide to fuels and Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis
Gas Sensors, Chemical Sensors, Biosensors: Immunosensors, enzyme-based biosensors, organism- and whole cell-based biosensors, Lab-on Chips, e-Nose, DNA Chips, Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS), Bio-markers, Electrochemical Sensors, Wearable Sensors, Physiological Sensors and self-powered Devices, Sensor and sensor-array chemometrics
Magnetic Nanoparticles, Nanomagnetism, Conventional and Oxide Based Magnetic Materials, Multiferroic and Ferroelectric Materials, Ceramics and Dielectric Materials, Heusler alloys & Half Metals- Materials for Spin Injection, Spintronic devices, Magnetocalorics, Electrocalorics, Memory Devices, Novel Superconducting Materials
Hydrogen Generation and Storage, Photovoltaic Materials: Thin Film Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Thermoelectric Materials and Devices: Wearable & Flexible Thermoelectrics, Thin Film Thermoelectrics, Organic Thermoelectrics, Photo-Thermoelectrics, Piezoelectric Materials and Power Generators
Synthesis of Nanomaterials: Solution Processed Nanomaterials, Exfoliation, Layered Materials: MXenes, Organic/Inorganic Nanomaterials & Nanocomposites, Nanocatalyst, Photo & Electrocatalytic Materials, Luminescence Materials, Photonic Materials and Devices, Water Splitting, Photocatalysis & Photosynthesis, Biofuels, Semiconductor Thin Films, Nanowires and Nanorods, Carbon Based Nanomaterials
Polymers, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Recycling, Vitrimers, Nanoinks, Nanopaints, Smart Coatings, Advanced Coating Techniques Shape Memory Alloys, High Entropy Alloys, High Strength Alloys, Mechanical Behaviour and Fracture, 2D & 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing: Design and Modelling, Novel Materials and Processes
Biopolymers, Composites, Biohybrids, Biomimetics, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Wearables, Implantable Devices, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, Drug Delivery, Advanced Imaging Techniques for Healthcare
Water and Air Purification, Wastewater management, CO2 Capture & Conversion, Advanced Oxidation Process for Hazardous Materials and Heavy Metal Removal, Resource Recovery, Solar Fuels (CO2 reduction), Green Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development
Recycling of Solid Waste, Plastic Waste, e-Waste, Battery Waste, Agro-Waste and Industrial Waste. Waste Utilization for Material Synthesis, Waste Conversion via Bioremediation, Waste-to-Electricity, Fuel, Fertilizers and Chemicals. Green Manufacturing, Life Cycle Analysis for Sustainable Waste Conversion, Bio Fuel and Bioenergy, Bio Plastics.
First Principle Simulations: Ab-initio and Density Functional Theory Calculations. Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science. Computational chemistry-Molecular Modelling and Drug Design. Computational Physics – Electronic Structure Calculations. Computational Biology – Biomolecular Structure, Stability, Functions and Dynamics
We are glad to announce a special session “Nano-insights symposium for Budding Researchers” for the PG students (Physics, Chemistry, Material science, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) during the International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices 2024 (AFMD-2024). This event would provide a platform for these budding researchers to interact with eminent scientists across the globe, exposure to sophisticated techniques and research activities, thus motivating them to take up research as the career.